Takeshi Abo - LEASE


this is my personal website; i will host most of my projects here. additionally, i'm going to try to maintain my blog, where i'll share random stuff. enjoy browsing!

about me

i enjoy pretty much anything logical. i've always been interested in developing software, but recently i've been doing more with hardware too.

check this crap out (links)

Search -- my metasearch engine with a reasonable amount of features.

onyx, my beloved. (my cat)


2024-04-24 we're so back
2024-02-17 made my crappy blog a little bit less crappy, and removed a broken link.
2023-09-30 changed backend, fixed dark theme.
2023-09-21 added a dark theme.
2023-09-10 i made a new site. :)
2023-08-19 added some photos .
2023-08-11 removed a broken hyperlink.
2023-07-15 added a changelog.

contact me

pls contact for any reason, except court orders.
